Fast Company Influencers Six Degrees of Separation Project

I was intrigued when I heard about the Fast Company Influencers Six Degrees of Separation project and how we are so tightly connected. As I meet more people, I find the world feels smaller and smaller. It seems like distances are shrinking.

Fast Company just started the Influence Project to create a visual representation of how we are all connected. Check it out the Influence Project and see how we are all one big worldwide family.

You might be surprised at how influential you really are!

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Teaching Blogging Class at Shah Today

April M. Williams teaching Social Networking at Shah Small Business Development Center McHenry County

April M. Williams teaching Social Networking at Shah Small Business Development Center McHenry County

We are in the Shah Small Business Development Center (SBDC) teaching “Business Blogging Basics” to McHenry County business owners. This is the fourth class in the Social Networking for Business classes.

Win Ignite Your Passion Book

Would you like to win a copy of the “Ignite Your Passion” book?

My birthday is April 4 and I will be celebrating all month long. During the month of April, you have an opportunity to win a copy of the anthology “Ignite Your Passion.” In this ebook, my 18 co-authors share our stories of:

  • What we are passionate about
  • How we found our passion
  • And how you can find your passion
Ignite Your Passion Book
Ignite Your Passion book

How can you enter to win a copy? It is easy. Just visit my Career Clues blog and write a comment. Each comment during the month of April is one chance to win. Enter as often as you like. Winner will be chosen at random and announced in our May newsletter.

Ignite Your Passion co-authors are encouraged to comment though not eligible to win.

Social Networking Throughout Your Career

Now available in paperback: “Social Networking Throughout Your Career: What’s All the Buzz About?”?

It seems everyone is talking about social networking tools these days. Newspaper stories and daily comics make light of our “tweets”. We have all heard about social networking and many of us are using these sites regularly. In fact, these tools have sparked a communication revolution by changing how we talk with each other and the speed in which information travels.

If you are a professional looking for a new job, considering a career change or even planning to be in the job market for more than one more year, it is important to understand how to leverage the most common social networking tools. If you are not effectively managing your online network you will appear out dated and behind the times to current employers or recruiters. Currently, 80% of all companies use LinkedIn as their primary recruiting tool. That means if you are not using LinkedIn effectively, other candidates will be hired for the job, which may be a perfect fit for you.

“Swim in the sea where hiring managers are fishing for you.”
April M. Williams

Get your copy of Social Networking Throughout Your Career: What’s all the Buzz About at Amazon today.

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What Will You Accomplish in 2010?

What are your goals for 2010? What will you accomplish this year?

Over the last 17 years, my workout accountability partner has helped me stay focused. I know a missed session will lead to a sense of letting my partner down. The accountability keeps me coming back to the gym.

As we start out on 2010, what do you plan to accomplish? Log in an let me know. I’ll check back with you later in the year for a progress report. Accountability is a powerful tool.

How did January get it’s name? January is named for Janus, the Roman god associated with doors, beginnings and endings. This two faced being represents choices in our lives. One face reflects on the past while the other face looks forward toward the future.

Bust of Janus, Vatican Museum / Fubar Obfusco

Bust of Janus, Vatican Museum / Fubar Obfusco

By reflecting on the past, we can reflect on our successes and understand what worked for us. By planning for out future, we are more likely to achieve our goals.

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Someone Is Always Watching You

Last week I delivered the keynote presentation at the annual WWW Women in Business conference. It was a motivational presentation on my career journey from entry level employee to director to entrepreneur.

One of the points I made is that someone is always watching you. You may not be aware of it, though while you are at work or play, someone is taking notice. I landed each of the jobs in my career because someone recommended me. They saw how I interacted with people, noticed my transferable skills, honed in on my attitude. These are the qualities that others are noticing.

When you are interacting with others at the store, gym, little league game or community event, are you treating people the way they want to be treated. Are you acting like a professional?

I facilitated a question and answer session after the keynote and an attendee gave an example of how people are always watching. A young dad, Steve Monforto, caught the foul ball at the Philadelphia Philly’s game and gave the ball to his three year old daughter who promptly threw the ball back on the field. While many parents may have instinctively  yelled at the child, this dad hugged his daughter. He had no idea television cameras we trained on this interaction and how the media would play the story.

As it turned out, this split second decision gained this dad a place in America’s hearts, a ball signed by the team and talk show appearances. I imagine sponsors, television producers and publishers are beating on his door. You just can’t buy this kind of publicity. Is this the kind of guy you want to have on your team? Of course!

There is always someone watching you. Are you happy with what they are seeing? If not, what will you do to change things?

Career and Networking Tips

Check out the career and networking tips at my other blog The career and professional networking advice will help you navigate through the sea of social media tools and stay relevant where ever you are in your career.

Career changer, job seeker, business owner or employee all find valuable ideas to move their career forward. Check us out!

My Experience Working with Honolulu SBDC

Regarding Honolulu Small Business Center (SBDC) Presentation with April M. Williams.

Over the past year my work with two Illinois Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) have been mutually beneficial and well received. I am paid for my services and develop clients through my work there. I also work with a third college with good results. My speaking calendar is full with business and career presentations and classes.

The Illinois SBDC recommended I contact Honolulu SBDC to arrange a session as I had a trip planned to the islands. There has been much online and offline discussion on this session over the past few days through social networking sites and I wanted to to set the record straight. Here is a timeline and summary of our discussions:

* May 19, 2009: I contacted the Hawaii SBDC offering a presentation “Boost Your Bottom Line with Social Media”.
* May 21, 2009 Spoke via telephone to Caroline Kim, Director SBDC and agreed to session and dates.
* June 02, 2009 Per request, sent flyer with bio and session info to SBDC to create flyer and web registration. Agreed to a session length of 1 hour & I would donate my time.
* June 19, 2009 SBDC stated they would begin promoting event.
* June 25, 2009 Resent marketing materials and bio to SBDC.
* June 25, 2009 Requested session posted on SBDC website to direct attendees for registration.
* June 30, 2009 SBDC web registration still not posted. SBDC says to have interested attendees call center for registration or questions.
* July 22, 2009 SBDC stated they are charging attendees $25 to attend session though not paying the speaker for her time.
* July 23, Center director stated PowerPoint loaded properly and they would keep me appraised of attendance and any venue changes.
* July 25, 2009 SBDC website registration posted. My name is misspelled, length posted as 2 hours instead 1 hour.
* July 29, 2009 Session attendee notified me SBDC told him the session was on different date than posted. Called center and attendee to straighten out confusion and confirmed date. No mention of low attendance made to me at that time.
* Aug 1, 2009 Session attendee notified me he received a call from SBDC that session was canceled. SBDC left a message with a phone number to contact which is only manned Mon-Fri. I called SBDC and send email to find out more.
* Aug 1, Midnight SBDC sent an email saying session canceled due to low attendance.
* Aug 3, 2009 Attendee told me when he called center earlier to register then he was re-directed to register online.

The SBDC never mentioned a minimum attendee to me or, as far as I know, to other attendees. The session was canceled without contacting the speaker. The SBDC never provided the speaker with promotional fliers.

This experience does not reflect well on the other SBDC’s in the nation. My past experiences with other SBDC centers have been very professional and I look forward to partnering with them in the future.

For those who registered for this SBDC session, I apologize for the confusion and disappointment. On my next visit to Honolulu I look forward to a better experience with my other partners.

April M. Williams

President CyberLife Tutors

Boost Your Bottom Line With Social Networking

You may wonder, “What’s all the buzz around social networking?” “Why are these sites gaining in popularity?” “How can I prevent becoming a commodity in cyberspace?” “How much time does it take?” “Is my information safe?”

Clients are looking for you on social media sites. Are you where your clients can find you? Do you know what they are talking about?

April M. Williams will review the key features of the top social media sites that will benefit your business. This interactive program is designed for those who are new to social media or have limited experience using the features and functions of Web 2.0 tools. Those more experienced are invited to contribute, add to the discussion and share their knowledge.

During this session April M. Williams offers you practical insights on:

– Developing your brand

– How to make your profile stand out from the crowd to get you noticed

– Who should you connect with? Open vs. closed network approach

– I’m connected, now what?

– Benefits and risks of recommendations

– Choosing, joining and leveraging groups

– Maximizing your time

April M. Williams, PMP, specializes in helping people learn that personal marketing and branding directly impact their career. Small changes in your personal presentation can bring about life-changing results. As a speaker, author and coach, April is wowing audiences throughout the Chicago area. April has authored an e-book and numerous articles on career building as well as other related business topics. She has been featured in major publications including the Wall Street Journal, Project Management Institute, SAVVY, Nations Restaurant News. April is a contributing editor to the Blacks Gone Geek forum and Hawaii travel website 808Talk. An entrepreneur, April is President of CyberLife Tutors.

Don’t miss this session! Call today to reserve your seat at this FREE session.

August 4, 2009 9:30-11 AM
Kapiolani Community College
To register or for questions, call the Honolulu
Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

An entrepreneur, April M. Williams is President of CyberLife Tutors. She has also been recognized as a Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute. She has demonstrated knowledge and skill in leading and directing project teams. This requires delivering project results within the constraints of schedule, budget and resources. April earned her Master’s Degree (Information Systems) and Bachelor’s (Telecommunications) from Roosevelt University, Schaumburg, Illinois.

Prior to launching her speaking and coaching career, April led technical projects and programs for Fortune 50 companies. Her career has included creating alignment across organizational boundaries and building consensus among people with multiple agendas. April has transformed her skills in working with people, processes and technology to leverage social media and personal marketing for career and business development. She is a career advisor at the Barrington Career Center. April is an Executive on the Chicago WITI network.

April’s personal marketing, project organization and job search programs offer audiences practical business strategies and insight that can produce profitable bottom-line results.

April is available for speaking engagements for corporations, associations, public seminars and events, and industry-specific trainings. For booking information call 847-207-7412. Entrepreneur, small business owner and career coaching available. Visit or email April for more information.

To keep up with latest in social marketing and networking trends, subscribe to April’s FREE newsletter.